NW Okie's Corner
With the start of Tornado season pushing through the "Heartlands" of the prairies these past few days, we searched through old archives of newspapers from 1892 to 1903 for tornado damages through Kansas, Nebraska, Missouri and Iowa that started from Indian Territory. One Hundred Years Ago - 19 May 1913
One hundred years ago (May 19, 1913) this is what was happening in Blaine county, Oklahoma, as reported out of Washington, May 19, 1913, a lower court set aside indictment against Tom Mosley and Dan Hogan, when the case was appealed to the supreme court. It seems that these two election board members refused to count, return votes for certain precincts for representatives in congress. Duchess of Weaselskin
Not much happening at the Raccoon Diner here in Southwest Colorado since we took down the jumping stump and made it harder for the 'coons to climb the wobbly pole to reach the bird feeders, but our friend in NW Oklahoma sent us the following time-lapse video of some purple (grape smell) Irises that were blooming in our front yard, in Alva, Woods, Oklahoma, 18 May 2013. May, 1913 - To Probe Case of W. R. Dutton
In The Tulsa World, dated 20 May 1913, Tuesday, on the front page, the headlines read: "To Probe Case of W. R. Dutton." A special committee was looking up alleged attempt to bribe senator. W. C. Allister was seeking to have people Vote on today for the Womens' Rights. 1909 - New Record Set For Long Inning Baseball Game
On Thursday, 1 June 1909, Bismarck Daily Tribune, of North Dakota, reported on their front page about world's professional record broken longest innings. July, 1903 - The Doings of A Kansas Tornado
In the Summer of 1903, July 23, on a Thursday, The Wichita Daily Eagle reported on page 4, "The Doings of a Kansas Tornado." They were also reporting that Kansas floods were the biggest; tornadoes the most energetic; drouths the dryest; summers the hottest and blizzards the coldest on earth as reported back in 1903. April, 1892 - Windswept States of Kansas, Nebraska Missouri and Iowa
Back in April, 1892, Saturday morning, a terrible commotion of elements laid to waste a wide section of the country, which included Kansas, Nebraska, Missouri and Iowa. Oklahoma Visited By Disastrous Storms (30 May 1909)
It was a Sunday morning, front page headlines, in the Bismarck Daily Tribune, in Bismarck, North Dakota, that we find mention of "Oklahoma Again Visited By Disastrous Storms - Many Reported Killed." The news story begins on the front page and continues over to page 12.