1920 - Clipped From Good Papers...
[taken from Renfrew's Record, Friday, December 3, 1920, Alva, Woods Co., Okla., Frontpage.] -- Clipped From Good Papers -- Dr. F. L. Stallard has been suffering with an ulcerated tooth for several weeks, but last week his condition became serious and he was taken to the hospital in Wichita, where he could receive the best of medical aid. At last reports he was improving. -- Kiowa News-Review The candy carnival Monday night yielded a gross return of $47.14, which will be used to buy books for the school library. Miss Hallie Hamilton won the beauty contest, with Miss Craig a close second. Col. Dan Daughhetee was the efficient auctioneer. -- Capron Hustler Ralph Miller, the thirteen year old son of Newt Miller, of Dane township, who won a free trip to the state Fair, now has the honor of making a trip to Chicago to attend the International Live Stock Show, he being one among five boys of the state to win the stock-judging at the state fair. That is certainly a fine showing for a thirteen year old boy who worked hard and won on his Boy Club pig at the county fair, also on the best corn display in the fair, which gave him his trip to Oklahoma city. -- Fairview Leader-Enterprise. Married - Miss Le Etta Rankin to Thomas Ermon Brookes, seated in an auto and by the light of the silvery moon at about 9:15 p.m., last Thursday day night, Miss Rankin and Mr. Brookes took each other for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, and declared the same in the presence of witnesses, by the joining of hands, the giving and receiving of a ring, and the audible "I will." -- Waynoka Enterprise In the fluctuating of prices especially when the downward tendency comes the farmer is the first man hit. Somehow or other the products of the farm takes the first slump. In the first general price drive wheat, corn, kafir corn, cattle and hogs are getting the first jolt. The farmer is usually the goat when it comes to taking the profit off. -- Shattuck Monitor. The number of people who use good English seems to be rapidly declining in the past few years. It is so common to hear slang expressions that, considering the use, one hardly knows what is slang and what isn't. The American people are noted for their frankness and also for their inventive frame of mind. They are always inventing new expressions to expres their feelings. One great fault of all the students is the use of the past participle. It is very common to hear the expression, "have saw," "have went," "I seen," "I done" and "I written." Surely everyone, especially high school students, know better than to use such language, yet there are but few who use correct English. We Americans are using our talents in the wrong way if we try to "improve" on the English language by using such expressions. -- Amorita Prairie Owl. The health authorities decided Monday that it would be best to close the schools and call off all public gatherings for awhile, as there is considerable Scarletina, in the country. -- Buffalo Republican. | View or Add Comments (0 Comments) | Receive updates ( subscribers) | Unsubscribe