NW Oklahoma During 1920's...
We are taking your memories back in time to a period around the 1920's, in Alva, Oklahoma. That was a time that a number of young people enjoyed "tripping the light fantastic" at the "Stine Hall" in Alva, Oklahoma. Was that located in the Stine building on the SW corner of the square in downtown Alva?
Besides "tripping the light fantastic," the 1920's saw women getting the right to vote; new music (Jazz), new dances (Charleston), bobbed hair and close-fitting cloche hats.
Do you remember your Grandparents or G-Grandparents ever mentioning anything about "Stine Hall," "tripping the light fantastic" and relating stories of 1920? If so, We would love to hear from you and share your family stories in our OkieLegacy Ezine.
From reading through the bits and pieces of Renfrew's Record back in 1920, we find out that John Rauch was seen in Waynoka visiting his sister, Miss Madeline Rauch.
In 1920, the Alva High sophomore debating society was newly organized at the high school. The high school sophomores organized to discuss the question, "Resolved That the Studyhall Period Should Be Eleminated." The officers elected were: president, Corwin Quinn; vice-president, Wade Doughty; secretary-treasurer, Girty Strickland; reporter, James Peters.
NOW... Here is a word that we have never heard of before: Quidnunes. Have you ever heard of the "Modern Order of Quidnunes?" In 1920, this Modern Order of Quidnunes were entertained Wednesday evening by Miss Ann Wilke and Ray Bonham at the home of the former. The club enjoyed a show and afterwards went to the home of Miss Wilke, where refreshments were served.
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