1919 - Brink, Gamet, Manilla, Ashley & Mirabile (OK)...
In the small community newspapers you could read about who visited who -- what was happening in those special outlaying communities grouped around perhaps a county seat. Well! We are going to take you back to December 30, 1919 this week with some of those small forgotten communities checking in. Such as, Brink, Gamet, Manilla, Ashley, Mirabile. The following items were taken from Renfrew's Record, Alva, Woods Co., Oklahoma, dated December 30, 1919. This is a blown-up view of the 1906, Old Woods (M) County, Oklahoma Territory (OT). Showing all the communities of Old Woods County in 1906, O.T. Click Here - 1906 Woodward County Map
Brink Items... "Well, as this is the last week in the old year of 1919, wish all correspondents, also editors and readers a very Happy and Prosperous New year. The hum of the county truck is in our vicinity, hauling sand to improve our roads that are so much in need of grading and culverts. Sam and Charley Paya were visiting in Pratt, Kansas during Christmas time. Threshing kafir and cane seems to be the order of the day. Two outfits doing the work, and such fine weather to work in. Mrs. C. E. Morefield, with her sister, Mrs. Martha Oskins of Evanville, Indiana, are visiting with one of
their sisters and family, Mrs. E. J. Hamilton, of near Waco, Texas. Mr. Ben Crow has traded his jitney off and is now the owner of a Dodge car. Mr. and Mrs. Robert, Deaton, Mrs. Martha Oksins, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Morefield and son
Marion, are Xmas dinner with Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Morefield. Mr. and Mrs. McCague of Medicine Lodge, Kansas, are visiting her mother and brother, Mrs. and Ross Pursell." (Written by a Brinkite) [Have you ever heard of "Brink?" Where was Brink, Okla.?]
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