1920 - Local News In NW Oklahoma...
While reading through some of the 1920 news articles from Renfrew's Record, we have learned a lot.
January, 1920 -- For instance, did you know that somewhere in Alva, Oklahoma there was a store by the name of Pebbers.
If you needed a Spirella Corset you could call 145 in Alva, Oklahoma. [What was a Spirella Corset?]
Mrs. Lyons left Wednesday for a visit with her son and family at Miama, Texas.
R. F. Dilger of Lipscomb, Texas, spent Christmas holidays with relatives and friends here (Alva).
Dewey Mosshart, was superintendent of Gage schools and spent the holidays with home folks.
Mrs. W. H. McGreevey, telephone 766, Alva, Oklahoma, had thoroughbred White Leghorn Roosters FOR SALE.
Mrs. Rosa Wilkinson had as her Christmas guests, her daughter, Mrs. Neva Sartin and husband, of Hobart.
Miss Foster of Harper, a niece of Mrs. E. U. Anderson, spent the week with them, leaving Wednesday for her home.
Mr. and Mrs. Doc Needs and little daughter Hazel spent Christmas in Woodward, the guests of Mrs. Ella Orner.
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Hedrick of Cleo, were holiday guests of Mrs. Miller's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Miller.
Mrs. Sarah Snoddy and daughter Miss Frieda left Monday for Tulsa, Oklahoma, where they will make their future home.
Mrs. A. Aeckerlie, who has been spending the winter in Freedom, came Monday and is the house guest of Mrs. Roy Moyer.
C. F. Millar of Barre, Vermont, who represents a granite monument company, was visiting Mr. Sams, the monument man last week.
Mrs. Mary DeGeer of Hanover, Colorado, was spending the week with her nephew, R. I. DeGeer and family, corner Locust and 3rd Streets.
FOR SALE: 30 Single Comb Brown Leghorn Cockerels. Mrs. W. H. Achemire, Avard, Oklahoma, Phone WJ-15, Alva.
Mrs. J. A. Renfrew has been quite sick the past week, but is much better. She is one of the census enumerators and hopes to be able to take up her duties Friday.
Bernard Kellner returned Monday from a week's visit with his parents near Vici. He will be busy during the coming week looking after the Annual for Northwestern.
Mr. J. D. Moreland was in Alva Tuesday and ordered sale bills. He will have a big stock and farm machinery sale at his place on Tuesday, January 6, 1920.
Mr. and Mrs. J. P Renfrew spent Christmas with their son R. O. Renfrew and family. Mrs. Renfrew stayed until Sunday and while gone visited her grand-daughter, Mrs. Edith Street and husband at Vici, Oklahoma.
Did you know that Zensal cures all Eczema and was sold by alldruggists?
Charlie Keck, of Harper county, returned home Christmas Eve. He had accompanied his father, Joseph A. Keck, who is in very poor health, to Halstead, Kansas, to consult a noted specialist. They returned to Alva, as the Doctor did not give Mr. Keck much encouragement.
Mr. and Mrs. John Thomas of Ochiltree, Texas, spent last Friday evening with the family of their friend, George Oakes, of this City (Alva). They visited the family of Mr. Thomas' father, Luther Thomas, near Mirabile, Saturday, then went to Tecumseh, where Mr. Thomas will take treatments of a specialist.
Mr. and Mrs. B. O. Chick have just recenlty moved into their pretty new residence, 708 4th Street, Mr. Chick has had the building entirely remodeled and made modern throughout. It is one of the best homes on 4th Street.
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