Noble Beginnings In Perry, Oklahoma...
"The address you have is the address of an individual church (and yes, they would be happy to forward donations to the Ministerial Alliance too), but the most recent (correct) mailing address for Katrina Relief donations is: Perry Ministerial Alliance; P.O.Box 273; Perry, Oklahoma 73077. Please also note: There has been such a generous response on donations of clothing at Kaw Street Chapel that citizens have been asked to wait until further notice to bring more items. I think that Operation Blessing still has some room in their newly built (donated) warehouse, though. I believe that their address is 807 S. Boundary and that their phone number is 580-336-3313.
A further (informational) note: The newly refurbished nursing home that has been prepared for these hurricane survivors is located just one block behind Perry Memorial Hospital (recently recognized as being one of the top 100 hospitals for a city of our size), and is directly across from a shopping center containing a supermarket, a Wal-Mart Discount store, a video store, Pizza Hut, Sonic, etc... There are 2 major gas stations just north of it and another small shopping center. Also several churches and schools are nearby so that these folks can easily be welcomed and assimilated into our community.
The former Perry Nursing Home that has been upgraded for the hurricane victims has been renamed, Noble Beginnings and today's paper has a nice article about our 19 guests. [SEE & CLICK photo for Perry Story - Another Clipping.] I just now decided to see if I could scan the article in, and I think you might be able to read it yourself. We still have room for more folks if they should decide to come here, and there are some jobs available too for those who want to work. I imagine that our Cherokee Strip Transit will probably provide our guests free transportation tomorrow (Saturday, Sept. 17th.) so that they can join in the festivities of our annual Cherokee Strip Celebration and the hour-long parade around the courthouse square." -- Roy Kendrick - EMAIL:
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