NW Okie's Journey
Looking back through history to 1884 we found political parties have gone through many changes for both parties, Democrats and Republicans. Today the Democrats & Republican parties were complete opposites of what they were back in 1884.
Another interesting tidbit in 1884, the experiment of female suffrage had proven a failure. They were saying when women become politicians, vote, and are candidates for office, they will lose their modesty, purity and loveliness. They believed firmly in women's rights, but they thought their rights were best protected when they remain in their present sphere (1884) - the one for which God had fitted them. What a bunch of "hogwash," don't you think?
Back in May, 1884, they were calling that Congress "the do-nothing Congress." The Senate complained of the dilatoriness (delaying) of the House. There were more than 300 bills which had passed the Senate that were waiting the attention of the House.
The 1884 Readjusters in Virginia had thrown off their mask. The following resolution was adopted at the Richmond convention the week before: "Therefore, we, the representatives of the people comprising the Coalition party of Virginia, in convention assembled, do declare: That, from and after this day our party shall be known as the Republican party of Virginia; that in national affairs we shall follow the banner of the National Republican party, and shall support with zeal and fidelity its nominees for President and Vice-President."
We find that the Democratic party in North Carolina differed from the Republicans in one essential - it would not submit to be ruled by office holders or politicians. The people in their sovereign capacity demanded the right to name the candidates and define the issues. If the politicians attempted to deprive them of that right there would be redress by scratching at the polls. The people believed they must be the rulers and the office holders were the servants.
Good Night! Good Luck! We are stronger together! "Love conquers Hate!"
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