After a successful Thanksgiving gathering in Southwest Colorado, we have updated and wanted to share some updates that we made in our OkieLegacy and ParisTimes Cookbook with a pastry recipe and an appetizer recipe that we used for our Thanksgiving dinner. We will put the recipes and their link in this weeks newsletter.
26 Nov 2011 Chimney Fire -- Morning excitement on the north end of Vallecito Res., Bayfield, Colorado the morning of 26 November 2011, between 10:30am thru 11:22am when our chimney rumbled with a fire started in the build-up in top of chimney and that reached 3-ft above the chimney cover. We closed the fireplace door inside to cut down the oxygen to the fire which cut it down to size while waiting for the Vallecito firefighters.
We also learned that you should have your chimney swept each year when you change the batteries in your smoke detectors. Have you had your chimney swept lately?