1937-38 Student Directory NSTC
1937-38 NSTC Student & Faculty Directory -- Have you ever wondered what businesses were around the square, on College Avenue and along the street (Normal Street) that ran in front of the Castle on the Hill, in the small, rural community of Alva, Oklahoma back in the mid-1930s?
According to the 1937-38 Student directory of NSTC, published by the Delta Sigma Epsilon Sorority, we have found a few businesses that advertised in this 1937-38 Northwestern State Teachers College directory that the Delta Sigma Epsilon, Delta Chapter compile of the students and faculty during those mid-thirty years.
In compiling the roster of college students and faculty members the Delta Chapter tried to give the information most sought after by both those affiliated with the college and the townspeople. They published their 1937-38 Directory with the hope that it would be of service to all. The names of all the students whose schedule cards were checked to the Dean's office on Friday, September 17, 1938 were included in the directory.
Delta Sigma Epsilon, Delta chapter, active members:
Alice Eckel, faculty sponsor,
Lois Miller, president
Mildred Simon, recording secretary
Helen Pierce, corresponding secretary
Louise Parker, treasurer
Ruth Hadwiger, sergeant
Vona Boucher, reporter
Pledges: Lois White, Ruby Wright, Edith Conrad, Ruth Yeoman, Louie Litton
Church Directory
The churches of that period showed the following churches at their locations in the Church Directory at the end of the booklet.
Christian church, Church and Fifth
First Baptist church, College & Church
Methodist church, Church and College
Presbyterian church, Church and Seventh
Catholic church, Church and Twelfth
United Brethren, Fourth and Center
Lutheran church, Third and Maple
Episcopal church, Fifth and Church
Seventh Day Adventist, Church and Tenth
Church of Nazrene, College and Locust
Church of God, first street
Latter Day Saints, Noble and Center
Pentacostal church, Twelfth and Barnes
Christian Science Society, City Hall
1937 Ranger Schedule
The Ranger football schedule showed the following games from October to November of that 1937-38 school year.
Sept. 25 at Hays, KS
Oct 1 at Wichita, KS
Oct. 8 Central at Alva collegiate conference, night
Oct. 15 at northeastern, collegiate conference, night
Oct. 22 at West Texas, canyon
Oct. 29 east central at alva, collegiate conference
Nov 5 at southwestern, collegiate conference
Nov. 12 southeastern at Alva, collegiate conference
Nov. 19 OBU at Alva, collegiate conference night
Businesses Directory:
The following at the businesses listed with the description of their ads and their locations and telephone numbers. Remember back in the old days when you picked up the telephone and waited for an operator's sweet voice so you could give the operator the short two, three or four digit phone number you were trying to call?
Rialto - Ritz - Ranger, the three r's of amusement, matinee each afternoon, operated by Jones amusement company.
Farmers' Co-Operative Oil Company, Eason dictator gasoline, firestone tires - quaker state lubrication, southeast corner square, 14th and Normal, phone 521, Alva, Okla., Phone 586.
Ranger Taxi, three good cars, C. M. Capps, Owner, phone 363, 6 blocks, for a dime, 10 blocks, 100 cents.
W. R. Maxwell, Florist, flowers for all occasions, special attention given, sorority and fraternity orders, member FTD, PO Box 213, Alva, Okla. phone 28.
Bell's selected milk, makes healthy days. Start serving Bell's today in your home, and equip your boy or girl adequately as "they" traverse the cities of wisdom. Call 149, and a salesman will call and explain the many advantages in serving Bell's safe dairy foods in your home. Milk, butter,cream, buttermilk, green spot orange drink, cottage cheese, dari-rich chocolate milk. Bell's Ice cream, a dairy store at your door every morning before breakfast.
Dr. A. L. Ball, Dentist, office: Monfort bldg., room 12, office phone 152, res. phone 1054.
21 years of service to the students of Northwestern. Give photographs for any occasion. Enlargements, Kodak finishing, oil coloring, Ellis Studio, phone 107, Over Monfort's.
Alva Review-Courier, sorority printing, school programs, announcements and name cards, the latest in social stationery, phones 200-201, Alva, Okla.
Western Auto Associate Store, home owned by Wenninger Motor Supply Co., accessories, auto and tractor replacement parts. phone 250, Alva, Okla.
IGA, Tyree Grocery & Mkt., groceries, fresh vegetables, meats, free delivery, south side square, phones 407 and 406.
Burr's Department Store, welcomes you, 411 College Ave., phone 12.
Tanner Bros. Clothing Company, outfitters from lad to dad, phone 175, West Side.
The Amsden Lumber Co., a pleased customer is our best advertisement, 516 College Ave., phone 134, Alva, Okla.
Alva Electric Supply Co., electrical and radio service, phone 282.
Nifty Meat Inn, across from campus, Ranger headquarters, short orders, cold drinks, sandwiches, malts, 24 hour service, Ray and Ross, props.
Monfort-Smith, Jewelers, at Monfort's Drug store, We are authorized dealers for Bluebird diamonds, green, Hamilton and elgin watches.
Doctor's Service Sta., sixth and Normal, phone 208, Ralph Doctor, mgr.
Monfort, The druggist, cut prices on drugs, toilet articles, books, over quarter of a million prescriptions filled here. School books, school supplies, The college store for Northwestern.
Railway Ice Co., modern meat locker storage system 621 Choctaw.
Rice-Huff Clothiers, griffon clothes, arrow shirts, nunn-bush oxfords, hole-proof hosiery, west side square, Alva, Okla.
Magnolia, on the hill, Mobil oil and gas, D. W. Grimwood, phone 800.
Breford Super Service, across the street, city service products, koolmotor gasoline and motor oil, the best in oils, pennsylania, pennzoil, penaline, quaker state, US tires, 24 hour service, phone 801.
Kavanaugh & Sheer, phone 101, hardware and plumbing, allis chalmers implements, Alva, Oklahoma.
Geo. Putuznik, "Let George rebuild them" since 1909, polishes and laces, phone 494, shoes dyed any color.
Deep Rock Oil Corp., wholesalers and retailers, "sudden service" fifth and mormal sts., phone 242, O. L. Crutchfield, mgr.
Jett's - always on display - beautiful handkerchiefs 25 cents 35 cents 50 cents to 1.50, phone 96, for sheerness, for beauty for value Berkshire silk hosiery 59 cents, 79 cents, 1.00 1.35.
Dr. C. L. Ritchey, Dentist, Monfort building, office phone 54, res. phone 1133.
E. W. Tanner Company style and service, distributors for Marshall field, wholesale, redfern, betty rose, coats and suits, Hats by toaster, phoenix hose.
Palace Cleaners, 511 College Avenue, "no better than the best but better than the rest", phone 360, cleaning, pressing, dyeing, hat blocking, alterations, repairing, Loren C. Van Sickle, Mgr.
Nall's Cafe, air conditioned, home of good foods and courteous service.
Bob Green, Mgr. Phone 320, Texaco 64 Service Sta., Normal and Fourth, Alva
McGill Brothers, everything in furniture and floor coverings gas stoves and used coal stoves, goods sold on installment if you like, see us before buying. phone 112, SW Corner Sq.
The Ranger Cafe, 2 doors west of Hotel Bell, meals, lunches, steaks our specialty, a good place to eat, Ranger Cafe.
Powder Puff Beauty shop, all work guaranteed, phone 11, 503 college, See yourself as you want others to see you.
Bynum's Sandwich Shop, all kinds of sandwiches, candy, cigarettes, beer.
Drink Coca-Cola, delicious in bottles.
Kavanaugh & Sheer Service Station, sibling air-cooled guaranteed 35,000 mile, tires. phone 236, 7th and fly.
McCormick Jewelry Store, at Rexall drug store, diamonds and elgin watches, we make a specialty of repairing swiss watches such as green, bulova, and all cheaper grades. Call on our repair dept.
Maxwell Printing Co., wedding announcements personal stationery, name cards, woods co. Bank bldg. phone 316.
Sears' Bootery, we fit feet, fortune and bostonian shoes for men $4.00 to $7.00, north side square, alva, okla., Fashionable footwear, for young women $2.49 to 46.50.
Collier Studio, portraits, commercial work, kodak finishing and picture framing, open sundays and evenings by appointment, phone 291, north side square.
Beegles' Drug Store, try our fountain, phone 124, north side square.
Ellison's Women's Wear, exclusive dress and hat shoppe, quality and style at reasonable cost, 603 barnes, phone 336, south side.
A former Northwestern student welcomes you to our city, J. C. Hess, Insurance.
Dr. J. A. Townsend, dentist, Beegle building, phone 166.
Welcome! Drop in and get acquainted with Ruby Herrick, Myra Thomas, Lou Ella Provost, Virginia Miner, Lois Hutton, experienced in all lines of beauty work, Herrick Beauty Salon, phone 68, air conditioned, 507 College.
Hub Dry Cleaners, cleaning, pressing, dyeing, hats cleaned and blocked. the factory way, phone 15, alva, Okla., we call for and deliver, suits made to order.
The Alva Daily Record, job printing, publishing, we print the Northwestern News, courteous service, phone 157.
Sullivan's Grocery, 416 Normal Street, for meats, vegetables, groceries.
Minton Creamery, the most of the best for the least, butter and ice cream, ice cream service at your door, Cecil Pierce, Prop. phone 469, Alva, Okla.
Warrick's, the one stop shoe store, exclusive admiration hose, for entire family, style and quality, south side square, phone 884, expert fitting.
Vivian Pinegar Beauty Shop, phone 333, north side square, over people's store, where beauty is made more beautiful permanents, finger waving our specialty all lines of beauty work.
Kent W. Johnson agent for the Travelers Insurance Company at phone 60. He will provide your accident ticket on 5 minutes notice. Woods County Bank bldg., Alva.
Winter's Shoe Shop, for better shoe repairing, 607 Barnes, phone 665.
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