Warwick Homestead In Clover Lick, WV
Michelle, of Clover Lick, WV says, "My husband and I have property that has been handed down from Jacob Warwick in Clover Lick. It is not the Bed and Breakfast known as Warwickton. We have visited there.
This is the property where some feel the Clover Lick Fort was. The tracts are split up to different extended family members, but because we were married in Clover Lick and seemed to be the most interested and able, we were lucky enough to get what the family has referred to as the "house on the hill." The story that is handed down is that the two houses that stood on that foundation before were burned by Indians.
We have well documented history on the Clover Lick property from the 1900's, but are still gathering information from 1700's and dealing specifically with Jacob Warwick. We are restoring the house, this one was said to have been built in 1876, and we just had electric ran last year.
My feeling is the back part of the house, the summer kitchen portion is original, but I can't get my husband to agree. We have letters that came out of a trunk that refer to people that we are just now learning about. I am pretty sure I have a letter talking about someone being held in prison in Richmond, Va., which I am thinking may be linked to the story of Mary Hamilton.
It is like we have items that we know have historic significance, but don't know the story behind them. I have many pictures and stories to share to fill in holes, as I am sure you could do the same.
There is also said to be three Indian chiefs buried on the property, which is only now starting to make sense.
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