Another January 24, 1947 headlines, ARC
The following frontpage headlines was found in The Alva Review-Courier, Alva, OK, Friday, January 24, 1947. "Turner Indicates Support For Income Tax Slash Is Next, Two Bills Approved."
Oklahoma city, Jan., 23, 1947 (UP) -- With his highway and tax department reorganization bills out of the legislative mill Gov. Roy J. Turner announced today he would next throw administration weight behind the state income tax reduction measure which is set for a public hearing Tuesday.
Obviously happy over final enactment of the two key planks in his governmental revamping programs, the chief executive said he would "do what I can" to bring about tax reduction promised in his campaigns last year.
The governor said he did not know the exact amount in dollars and cents the people would save from his proposal for an across the board slash of one-tird in individual and corporate income tax rates.
In announcing that the house revenue and taxation committee would hold a public hearing on the tax cut bill at 10 a.m. Tuesday Chairman Purman Wilson of Purcell said that Turner had asked speedy action.
Turner made it clear he wanted the tax reduction bill enacted before the appropriations bills are taken up. In this way, the legislature would be forced to whittle appropriations request to stay with in the tax revenue levy cut.
Estimates of the saving to individuals and corporations are as high as $7,500,000, but Tax Commissioner Ernest Black said today that it would be between $3,000,000 and $4,000,000.
The commissioner cited estimates of 12,500,000 and $11,000,000 (M) from income tax the next two years. But he said approximately $3,500,000 (M) each year would be collected in back taxes, which would not be subject to the reduced rates.
Turner said he expected to appoint the eight members of his new "non-political" highway commission next week.
The three new tax commissioners will not be named until he has had an opportunity to study the reorganization bill passed by the house and senate today the governor added.
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