Grand Drum Corps Reunion at Champions on Parade Show...
Barnum Festival hosts Connecticut and the Northeastern States. Calling all alumni of the Northeastern states drum and bugle corps. You are invited to attend the First Annual Grand Drum Corps Reunion to be held in Bridgeport, Connecticut at the Harbor Yard Ballpark. The event will take place on June 25, 2005 beginning at 12:00 p.m. and is being held in conjunction with the Barnum Festival Champions on Parade and Maynard Ferguson concert that evening.
Saturday June 25, 2005
Grand Drum Corps Reunion - Harbor Yard 12:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Maynard Clinic/Rehearsal - Harbor Yard 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Champions on Parade - Harbor Yard 6:30 PM - 10:15 PM
After Party - Holiday Inn 10:30 PM - Until
Those alumni organizations that are participating include: Park City Pride from Bridgeport, CT; Blessed Sacrament Golden Knights from Newark, NJ; Hawthorne Caballeros Alumni from Hawthorne, New Jersey and Skyliners Alumni from New York, New York and the Buglers Hall of Fame inductees. For more information please visit the following websites:
Barnum Festival is excited about the First Annual Grand Drum Corps Reunion and looks forward to holding this event to bring you all back together. Mark your calendar and gather your group. It's sure to be a fun-filled day reminiscing with old and new drum corps families. We look forward to seeing you on June 25. Please contact by way of Email: for more information.
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