Camels In Waynoka
Camels In Waynoka... "Yes, there was a camel at Little Sahara State Park by the name of Gracie (I believe) In the early 60''s a low-budget carnival came through Alva and went broke. Grace Ward Smith was the Chamber of Commerce president at the time and she and other city leaders bought the animals. I don't know those details, but all of a sudden little old Alva had a zoo. A lion, bear, camel and a bunch of monkeys. Alva quickly built cages for the animals and it was quit a tourist draw. Grace Ward Smith talked Waynoka, Ok into taking the camel since that city was only a few miles from the dunes. Waynoka built Gracie (the camel, not Mrs. Smith) a shelter there where she lived until she died. The above rememberence comes with a disclaimer: That all happened about 45 years and a persons recall does dim over time, so don't bet the farm on what I've said." -- Marvin
Camels In Waynoka... "For several years Waynoka hamcwagner.d a Christmas Nativity program at the Little Sahara, complete with camels, shepherds, a speaker system, spotlights and so on. I was kind of a "drive-in" type setting and attracted several hundred. My best guess on the time frame would be late fifties through early sixties. I remember going as a kid with my parents several years." -- Edward
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