1893 - Pioneer Citizens
This 1893 news article came from The Alva Pioneer, dated September 22, 1893, Alva, M County, O.T., had these pioneer tidbits concerning citizens of "M" county and Alva, O. T. (Oklahoma Territory).
* "Dr. Karr of medicine Lodge, is putting in a stock of drugs in the Jobes & French building, southeast corner of the square."
* "J. E. Fenn moved his grocery and restaurant out of the big tent into the new large store house east of the land office, and is getting things fixed up very neatly."
* "Messrs. duncan & Havaland, surveyors, have gone about 40 miles southeast of town to do some surveying this week."
* "Carloads after carload of freight are passing through to Santa Fe towns in the Strip. There are now 60 cars on the switch at Alva and as many more at Woodward. -- Wellington Standard."
* "C. E. Rogers and David Walborn of Harper, Ks, came in on Wednesday's train, and Mr. Rogers says he will immediately contract for the erection of two dwelling houses in Alva."
* "As sunflowers star up in this locality as soon as the sod is turned, why not call Alva the Sunflower City of the Strip."
* "A flock of prairie schooners passes through town nearly every day headed west, the occupants looking for homesteads."
* "J. A. Stine, of Amarillo, Tex., southwestern agent for the Pabst Brewing Co., who was looking after the business here, went home last Friday."
* "Roberts & Roberts moved into their new building the first of the week. A nice stock of groceries and a beautiful room are the chief attractions."
* "Mrs. J. J. Todd, of Kingman, visited her husband here the first of the week. Mr. Todd has bought property here and will probably move his family here soon."
* "E. H. Nixon this week purchased Judge Stevens' lot in Alva, paying $12 for it. He went to Alva Wednesday to make arrangements for the erection of a business house on the lot. -- Medicine Lodge Cresset."
* "Gloyd Bros., lumber dealers, of Prat and St. John, Ks., are putting in a lumber yard on the south side of west Main street, half a block from the northwest corner square. They have a neat office building, and are receiving lumber rapidly."
* "Every settler who has the corners of his claim established should plow ten or fifteen furrows around it. Such work would serve a double purpose -- prevent fire from burning off the grass and prepare the soil on the lines to receive trees next spring."
* "Henry Nichols, who resides on a claim on the Eagle Chief, was the first man to bring eggs to market in Alva. He took his chickens with him, and on Tuesday following the opening came to market with several dozen eggs."
* "Occasionally a visitor in Alva makes a great roar about the water being unhealthy. The fact is, the water is as good as the average found anywhere, and within a short distance of town there are inexhaustible springs of as pure water as ever flowed out of the earth, and in a year from now it will be supplied to the people through water works."
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