Oklahoma Gas Prices...
"They're still playing around with our gasoline prices here in Perry, Oklahoma! They have dropped them again to $2.099! Who knows... perhaps I shall go ahead and fill all my gas containers again. The last time I did that, the prices continued to drop until I had used most of it and then began rising rapidly. This morning (Sunday, Nov. 6) I read in your Okie Legacy that the pricing of gas in Cleveland, Ohio is also "a game" and they went up from $2.04 to $2.09, and then $2.22 in a 3-day period (thanks to the report from Jenni Latza). It's really refreshing to hear from these other folks: Reta Jackson of Alva, Ok., Gilvin Walker of Harper, Ks, Larry J. Hunter in Bartlesville, Ok., and of course NW Okie. I'd like to join you in asking more folks to report the prices from EVERYWHERE, and what's the pricing for gasohol these days? I can't even find it around here these days and it was just beginning to be popular back during the Carter presidency when regular gas jumped up to that shocking price of $1.38+9/10 around here.
This weekend in Perry, Oklahoma's gasoline prices stayed at $2.099 for 4 days, then dropped to $2.079 for 2 days and now they're down again, at $2.04 and 9/10. Maybe they'll continue down for awhile since the oil company bosses have revealed that they made BILLIONS of dollars in profits recently. We'll just have to wait and see. It was certainly refreshing to see those other folks reporting what it's like in their communities." --
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