Duchess & Sadie's Snowy Domain![]()
It was the last day of December, 2010, and all through the San Juan mountains and valleys, snow storms piled from two to four feet of snow on the western slopes of Southwest Colorado. Home Comfort Range (1934) - Properly Setting Up & Operating![]()
This week we promised to bring you some information concerning how to properly setup and operate your Wrought Iron Home Comfort Ranges. On page 28 of the manual / cookbook it states, "Any Home comfort range set up in the open with only three joints of straight pipe, will bake and do all kinds of cooking to perfection. NW Okie's R & R - The Good Old Days![]()
A New Year has shown its face for 2011 as 1/1/11 rounded the corner this weekend. Will this calendar notation be lucky as four Aces are lucky in poker? FOR SALE: 1864 Home Comfort Stove - Model #DA![]()
Back in Vol. 6, Iss. 11, dated 2004-03-13, there was a feature concerning a Comfort Range FOR SALE - Comfort Range Stove where Mrs. K. Rowell (Email: meemee3@juno.com) said, "Here is a picture but it's not cropped - pretty big! I have more if you need more detail. It has all it's parts! Home Comfort Range - Model #DA-140520![]()
The following comment was made by Dave Peer, concerning this Volume 8, Issue 29, dated 2006-07-22, and the Home Comfort Range Model #DA-140520. Woman In White (1859 & 1938)The Woman In White, as far as I can discern was a radio soap opera that ran from 1938 to 1948, created by Irna Phillips (July 1, 1901 - December 22, 1973) [more]... | View or Add Comments (0 Comments) | Receive updates ( subscribers) | Unsubscribe This Day In History (January 3)On this day in history, January 3rd, do you remember back to 1951, the television drama, "Dragnet?" Does anyone born before 1938 or from 1938 to 1948, a radio broadcast called "Woman in White?" [more]... | View or Add Comments (0 Comments) | Receive updates ( subscribers) | Unsubscribe WWII Heroes & Movie Stars
This comment was left on the Vol. 10, Iss. 45, feature concerning WWII Heroes & Movie Stars. (1496) Leonardo Da Vinci Flying Machine![]()
It was January 3, 1496, Leonardo da Vinci unsuccessfully tested a flying machine he had constructed. This was way centuries before the Wright Brothers at Kitty Hawk. But did the Wright brothers get some of their ideas from Leonardo da Vinci's notebooks? Leonardo's notebooks suggested that Leonardo tested his flying machine on 3 January 1496. It did not succeed and Leonardo did not try to fly again for several years. The Truth About Bananas![]()
Ellis shared this little tidbit about the Truth About Bananas. Did you know that Bananas contain three natural sugars: sucrose, fructose and glucose combined with fiber. A banana gives an instant, sustained and substantial boost of energy.