The Okie Legacy: (1910) Foul Murder At Alva (Okla.)

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(1910) Foul Murder At Alva (Okla.)

As reported in "The evening News," in Ada, Oklahoma, 11 November 1910, Friday, page 1, the headlines read: "Foul Murder At Alva." The peaceful dead body of Mabel Oakes was found in the backroom of Miller's office, on the South side of the square, in downtown Alva, Oklahoma.

Found on

Alva, Okla., Nov. 10 (1910) -- With the finding of the dead body of pretty Mabel Oakes, 23 year old daughter of a well to do family in Alva,, in the rear of the old opera house block, with a silk scarf tightly wound about the neck late Wednesday, the most sensational murder in recent months was uncovered. The girl had been employed for several months as a clerk in the office of N. L. Miller, justice of the peace. Miller's office was in the front part of the building in which the body was discovered.

The girl had failed to go home for noonday lunch, and late int he afternoon the father had started for Miller's office to ascertain the cause of her absence. He was met at the door by Miller, who, with ashen face, told him he had just discovered the body. The police were immediately notified and Miller was arrested and lodged in jail.

Physicians stated after an examination that the girl was about to become a mother.

Miller denies all knowledge of the crime or that he had ever had improper relations with her. At the inquest Thursday physicians testified that death was due to strangulation.

The greatest feeling had been aroused by the murder, and officers fear summary justice may be wreaked if the inquest established the identity of the murderer.
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