The Okie Legacy: 1915 - Italy To Hurl A Fresh Army Into The War Arena

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1915 - Italy To Hurl A Fresh Army Into The War Arena

In that same Guthrie Newspaper, 11 May 1915, we found this mention of "Italy To Hurl Fresh Army Into War Arena." Teuton Allies, seeing the inevitable, declare War first. The war was predicted to end soon after Italy entered. All Italian soldiers in Switzerland ordered to rejoin regiments.

According to the Associated Press, On Italian Frontier, May 11, 1915, it was universally felt that Italy's participation in the war was but a question of hours.

Paris, May 11 (1915) -- It was being persistently rumored in Paris that Germany and Austria had already declared, or were about to declare war on Italy in anticipation of such action on her part. directed against themselves. In this respect there had been received no confirmation of any kind. Another rumor current on the Bourse was that the Italian government had signed an agreement with the Allies - England, France and Russia - to take part in the war not later than May 26th, 1915. This rumor was apparently without foundation.

Military writers were presenting the argument that war for Germany and Austria on the third frontier, would undoubtedly make resistance of the central empires of their other fronts more feeble, so that with the advent of Italy, victory over Germany was set for the middle of summer.

Geneva, May 11 (1915) -- All Italian officers and men in Switzerland up to the age of thirty-four, were ordered to rejoin their regiments immediately.

Austrian and Bavarian forces were concentrating in Tyrol. Automobiles belonging to the Italian royal family, which had been assembled to Monha, near Milan, were sent to Verona for use by the army.

Shipments of freight from Italy to Germany, through Switzerland, had virtually ceased. All passenger train service to points not he Swiss frontier was diminishing daily.
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