The Okie Legacy: What is Real Reason Why The Heartland States Loathe President Obama?

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What is Real Reason Why The Heartland States Loathe President Obama?

Why do so many alleged fair-minded Voters in Oklahoma, Kansas & Southern States loathe President Obama? Why do they believe all the absurd falsehoods spread through chain-emails, Facebook and other social networks no matter how preposterous they might be? This puzzles me to no end!

Is the ultra-conservative Republican ideology in these Southern States, including Oklahoma, Kansas and Texas, on the verge of parading, leaning towards a "kook-dom" of "wingnuts?" Why is this? How do we combat it and fix it?

It seems to be a widespread, far-fetched undeniably absurdity of internet of chain-letters,FOX rantings by Limbaugh and ultra-conservative media that suggest something else is happening in Oklahoma and other anti-Obama hotbeds?

Let us open our minds, honestly and see what might be at the core of these hateful rantings. Why doesn't Obama's story fit the historic American presidential dialogue or pattern of past norms, and why do people refuse to leave their comfort zones to embrace the 21st century of the cosmopolitan, internationalized world where different culturals can come together and unite as a family.

President Obama is of mixed race. Yes! That is true! We are all of mixed heritage. If you would research your genealogy, you would see that is also true.

Obama's mother was born in Kansas and her family had Oklahoma roots before moving to Kansas before they then moved to Hawaii where Barack Obama was born. That is a fact. Obama's father was an African man. So what!

Obama is a Harvard grad who did not access the Ivy League because of family legacy or wealth. In other words, to some, it does not meet the dynastic presidency of those such as Bush or Kennedy. Obama appears to these people as a presidency of the Future, and it scares the hell out of some and does not fit the pattern of their comfort zone.

Big money interests, like Koch Brothers, Adelson, Rove, Trump and wealthy corporate SuperPacs, it seems to me, exploit the less informed voters who are under duress over the Great Recession's economic upheaval. They take advantage of their vulnerability.

Are wealthy, over-conservatives underwriting and churning out formats of chain emails and sending them out to these vulnerable voters? Why doesn't this remind you of Segretti and Nixon's dirty-tricks squad? Where is the outrage? How do we fight these wealthy, ultra-conservatives and corporations?

Why do the vulnerable, rural sections of these Southern States buy this nonsense? Have they been preconditioned by the ultra-conservative mainstream media and other politically active religious leaders to believe the worst about Obama and anyone, including Republicans and Democrats who support him?

Most of the chain-emails being spread around with these absurd falsehoods are forwarded by family and friends to cloak the true identity of the real perpetuator. Those who dispatch the false emails are not repentant, but are indignant. AND ... Their anti-Obama views become hardened if confronted.

The chain-emails I have received go straight to my "junk" folder and get deleted without ever being read. That is my solution to the problem of the absurdity of those emails. Others may have their own solutions. But what about those cursing, hateful letters that get sent out in the regular mail? What is the solution there?

We suspect and know that the Obama hatred in Oklahoma, Kansas and Southern States is fueled, to some extent, by race. But there is a denial that sets in when some are confronted with this truth. That is when the Truth-sayer is charged with "playing the race card."

Is it brainwashing by the over-conservative media that uses fear to get control of the masses? I believe that to be another part of it, but I also believe that it has something to do with some people feeling uncomfortable being outside their comfort zone ... that scares the hell out them?

The question is ... How do you educate and move these anti-Obama believers into the 21st century? It is like un-brainwashing those in a cult, wouldn't you think?

How many times have you run across many of your friends on Facebook, who are posting beautiful pictures proclaiming their love for Christ, then in the next few status updates, posting a link to some lie, hate and bigotry-filled post by someone, who gets their only information from Hannity, Limbaugh and FOX News?

It is ironic that these so-called Christians are supporting a ticket that worships Ayn Rand, a self-avowed atheist, who hated the small, poor people. And these same people (followers) support the GOP ticket that believes corporations are people. Do they not realize they are voting against their own best interests and are being used?

Also, It is ironic ... if Obama were not African American (actually, he is half African American and half white, but so what) and a Democrat, he would probably be celebrated in Oklahoma and Kansas as the embodiment of the American dream.

I am supposing that many of these anti-Obama haters find it hard to believe that what Obama has accomplished, he accomplished on his own. I suppose they probably find it hard to grasp. Why is that? Why would some people rather go fishing than research and fact-check for the REAL Truth?

There is a new 21st century frontier out there that many find difficulty in accepting, which is tightly connected and increasingly becoming a cosmopolitan, internationalized World where different cultures can come together and unite as a family.

When will Oklahoma, Kansas and those in the Heartland wake-up and smell the roses? How do we help educate - cure them of their bigotry? Is it even a possible task to undertake?

Let us open our minds, honestly and see what might be at the core of these hateful rantings. Why doesn't Obama's story fit the historic American presidential dialogue or pattern of past norms, and why do people refuse to leave their comfort zones to embrace the 21st century of the cosmopolitan, internationalized world where different culturals can come together and unite as a family.   |  View or Add Comments (0 Comments)   |   Receive updates ( subscribers)  |   Unsubscribe

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