The Okie Legacy: 1896-1932 - GOP As Liberals & Progressives

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1896-1932 - GOP As Liberals & Progressives

Would you believe that back in the 1900's around the time of President Theodore ROosevelt, a Progressive Liberal and Yes! A Republican, believed in regulation, not obstructionism; wider participation in fruits of labor; federal control of interstate business; shifting of burden from poor to rich; and from employee to employer?

The photo above, left was a 1908 USA editorial cartoon, showing the progressive policies advocated by President Theodore Roosevelt in his farewell message to Congress. It was first printed in the Duluth Herald. Roosevelt came to attack the wealthy and privileged society from which he had sprung. In his last annual message to Congress makes many recommendations pointing toward the betterment of social and industrial conditions in the United States.

President Theodore Roosevelt, Progressive Republican, believed in regulation, not obstruction; wider participation in fruits of labor; Federal control of interstate business; shifting of burden from poor to rich; from employee to employer.

The GOP, Grand Old Party, became a minority after failing to reverse the Great Depression in 1932. The New Deal Coalition led by Democrat Franklin D. Roosevelt came to power in 1933-1945. When that coalition collapsed in the middle 1960s.

Remembering when Republicans were the Progressive party in the Progressive Era (1896-1932). Things have sure changed for this GOP party, hasn't it?

When the Democrats won control of the House in 1910, a rift between insurgents and conservatives widened. In 1912 Roosevelt broke with Taft and tried for a third term. He was outmaneuvered by Taft and lost the nomination. Teddy Roosevelt led his delegates out of the convention and created a new party the Progressive or Bull Moose ticket in the election of 1912. Few party leaders followed him except Hiram Johnson of California. The Roosevelt-caused split in the Republican vote resulted in a decisive victory for Democrat Woodrow Wilson, temporarily interrupting the Republican era.

The Republican party did very well in large cities and among ethnic Catholics in presidential elections of 1920-24, but it was unable to hold those gains in 1928. By 1932 the cities had become Democratic strongholds.

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