The Okie Legacy: Oakie's NW Corner

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Moderated by NW Okie!

Volume 5 , Issue 15


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Besides history breaking Wednesday of this week, I have been busy training, caring for my new Li'l Pug puppy (Duchess) who turned 8 weeks this weekend. It's kind of like taking care of a new born infant. She eats, sleeps, plays and wakes me up about every 3 or 4 hours at night time to go outside and take care of business. We fixed up a dog crate for her sleeping area. She has taken to it quite nicely.

She seems like a playful, curious, nosy and quick learner that wants to please most of the time. We have become quite attached to each other. She is a sweetie! I have been doing some reading. Did you know that puppies do not get control of their bladders until around 10 weeks of age?

Enough about that, though! Brrrrrr... But it was chilly here in Oklahoma on Monday and Tuesday of this week with temperatures in the freezing range and parts of Northern Oklahoma saw a few small snow flakes. By Wednesday the temperatures rose back into the 50s, though. Thursday and Friday we were back in the mid-70s and low 80s.

Are you ready for an unsolved mystery? I have another NW Oklahoma Mystery for you all. This one takes place in the mid-1950s. Perhaps anywhere around 1955 to 1957 or later. It concerns a suspicious, fiery car incident that burned a young woman to death on an Avard road. I do not have all the facts yet, BUT... the young lady (Ann Newlin Reynolds) was from Lambert, Oklahoma, in Alfalfa County and attending college at Northwestern. Ann was married at the time.

A friend and devoted reader of The Okie Legacy told me that Ann Newlin Reynolds died sometime around 1957 or so in a suspicious car fire near the small, rural community of Avard. I was also told that Ann was a sister to Ed Newlin and daughter of A. B. Newlin from the Lambert, Oklahoma area in Alfalfa county. I do not know how true this next bit of info is, BUT... someone told me that Ann could be one of the ghosts that haunts the Old Gym in Avard, Oklahoma.

No arrests were ever made in the case. At one time her husband was a prime suspect. BUT... we do NOT know that for a fact. I hope you are ready for another NW OK Unsolved Mystery? I need your help in this one. I am searching right now for the death date of Ann Newlin Reynolds and news clippings, obits, etc... to shed some light on this over 40 year old unsolved mystery.

If any of this information jogs any of your memory cells and if you could help us piece together this NW OK Unsolved Mystery, drop me an email at If Ann is one of the ghosts that haunts the Avard area, maybe we can help her spirit find a resting place on the other side. Thanks for any help, research you can pass along this way.

Before I head out of here and let you browse The Okie Legacy site, a reader sent me the following quote that I find quite interesting. I don't know exactly if it is a quote by John F. Kennedy, but... to me -- the words, meaning rings true about our United States and its destiny.

"We in this country, in this generation, are by destiny rather than choice the watchmen on the walls of world freedom. We ask therefore, that we may be worthy of our power and responsibility, that we may exercise our strength with wisdom and restraint, and that we may achieve in our time and for all time the ancient vision of peace on earth, goodwill toward men." -- John F. Kennedy (from a speech that was never delivered, due to Kennedy's death)

Here's wishing you have a great weekend of rest. I am going to be out in the pasture with my horses this sunny, Spring weekend. See you next week -- Same time or maybe earlier!

~~ Linda "oaKie" ~~

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