The Okie Legacy: Oakie's NW Corner

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Volume 5 , Issue 11


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Before we get started here with more Okie Legacies, let me personally thank you all for your advice and congratulations on the recent McGill family quilt that has come into our possession. We truly appreciate everyone who replied. Thanks for being such fantastic readers of this Li'l Okie Legacy Ezine. We really do appreciate your loyalty and support.

Now that we have that out of our system... We are going to share a special treat concerning some 1960's Democrats & Political Legacies of Oklahoma that our father saved in his political scrapbook. We have to say, though, we have only began to skim through Gene McGill's two, huge 1960's political scrapbooks. We shall start out with the Democratic photos of the 1960's that he accumulated while he was Oklahoma's Democratic State Chairman during the early 1960's. A couple of the photos are in this week's newsletter, but you can view the rest of the collection at

As to Woods County Pioneers... We have added a few more names to the Northwest OK Pioneers. Some of the names listed this week are: F. G. Munson, assistant cashier in First National Bank; J. H. Hudson, Jr., clerk in First National Bank; W. R. Frazier, clerk in First National Bank; John W. Bishop, postmaster of Cleo, editor of Cleo Chieftain; Eugene Carter, clerk in First National Bank; Earl Rumsey, clerk in Alva National Bank; Lee Noah, law student in office of his father H. A. Noah; F. Hageman, Alva manager for southwestern telephone company; and J. T. Hiatt, bookkeeper in Harbaugh's grain and coal office.

More NW OK Pioneer Tidbits... This were taken from The Alva Pioneer - Souvenir Edition, dated January 1, 1904, Woods County, Oklahoma Territory. In 1897 there was only one bank in Woods County, with deposits of between 50 to 60 thousand dollars. On January 1st, 1904, there were 26 banks, with deposits of over a million dollars. Up to 1897 the people spent all they made for improvements. It was also reported in that same newspaper of 1904, "since that time they had been putting something away for a 'rainy day'."

According to the Alva Pioneer Souvenir Edition dated 1 January 1904, The City Waterworks and Alva had an abundant supply of the very best water, which came by natural gravitation from springs 2-1/2 miles north, and which were 50 feet higher than the main business part of the city. A pipeline brought the water into a reservoir holding 80,000 gallons, located in the north suburbs of the city. It was then forced a mile up the slope to the storage tank located south side of the Castle on the Hill (also known through the past years as - Northwestern Normal School, Northwestern State Normal College, and Northwestern Oklahoma State University). The water tank held 65,000 gallons, and was about 112 feet high.

First School... J. W. Buckles, a young man from Harper, Ks., began a subscription school, Oct. 16, 1903, in a little building 12-by-12 feet on the corner where W. F. Hatfield's dwelling house once stood. According to the Alva Pioneer Souvenir Edition of January, 1904, this was thought to be the first school taught in the Cherokee Strip. If someone out there could help us out here and share with us the exact location of where W. F. Hatfield's dwelling house was located, that would be very helpful here. We would love to see a picture of it if it is available? Thanks!

Woods County Schools... In 1904, Woods County once lead all other counties in educational advantages for its young people. The Normal School at Alva was the greatest institution of learning in the southwest and was during 1904 considered to become one of the foremost normal schools in the country..... READ MORE...

We found this fantastic Oklahoma Poem, "In Oklahoma," as it appeared in the 1904 Souvenir Edition - The Alva Pioneer. It did NOT have the name of the author. You can read the full poem by clicking on "In Oklahoma.".

Where the waving fields of corn
Skirt the roadside sere and dun,
Where the river winds along
In a rhythmic, droning run,
Where the listless, floating hawk
In the azure blue is high,
Where the clouds are phantons white
On the winds that buoy them by --
There my heart is free
As a heart can be,
And my soul is in tune with Thee!.....

The Ides of March are upon us with St. Patrick's Day and the first day of Spring just around the corner. Daylight Savings Time (April 6, 2003) can not be too far behind either. Have a great weekend and enjoy the Spring-like weather while our neighbors in the North and East are still experiencing snow, Winter. See you next weekend!

~~ Linda "oaKie" ~~

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