My Thoughts
People who do not think for themselves are often scared of disagreeing with others - scared of "rocking the boat".
A Free-thinker, on the other hand, bases their self worth on something other than what people think of them. These people may still experience rejection, discomfort,and anguish, just like everyone else ? but they will continue to think for themselves. I consider myself to be one of those "free-thinkers!"
There are citizens out there that are feeling frustrated. That does not mean we have to act out in anger, hatred and violence. Laying the blame is NOT the answer!
We are ALL in this TOGETHER! ... Finding a solution; meeting halfway; respecting each others Civil Rights and Cooperation from ALL sides should be one of the main goals in finding a constructive solution to making America Great!
If you do not like the way your elected officials are working, step-up, get involved, run for office in your particular party.
We, as a responsible citizen, should NOT be swayed by fear, hate, bullets or bricks! You only play into that negative rhetoric! Left, Right, Democrat, Republican, Independent, Tea Party, etc ? People need to act responsibly -- reject, condone the violence -- not be swayed, controlled emotionally by fear, frustration, hate spewed by a few extremists.
One of your Civil Rights is our 1st amendment right of freedom of speech. We are ALL of differing opinions and beliefs that should be respected as such. That is what is so great about America - it is a melting pot of differences of opinions, beliefs. Without those differences we only become "robots."
Education is GOOD for EVERYONE! Do NOT be afraid to take off the blinders and see both sides of the situation!
As I learned from my older sister, Dorthy, "We are ALL in this TOGETHER!"
I reiterate, finding a constructive solution, meeting halfway, respecting each others Civil Rights, Cooperating from ALL sides is a better way to go, instead of using Destructive acts of violence.
If you do not like the way your elected officials are working, step-up, get involved through the political process, run for office in your particular party and show us all how you would build a Great American with Equality for ALL! You may leave civility-type of comments below!
Good Night and Good Luck!
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