NEW: Familynet - ADD New Relations
Our NWOKTechie has been working on our "Okie FamilyNet. Once visitors are logged in, they will be able to see the form with their login information that will enable them to add other relations.
This will add these names to the names rotating at the top of the Familynet form so others can indicate their connection or relation with that member or non-member. A non-member is a name that was added, but does not have a username or password set up to log-on.
The total function that our NWOKTechie visualizes for the site registration is complete as of this Sunday afternoon.
You have two roles of members in our members database (members & non-members). Members are visitors that submit their email and password. Non-members are people who are submitted by members as a relation. Does this sound confusing?
Anyway, if a visitor sees their name on the Familynet, they can claim it and the relations connected to it by selecting 'IT IS ME' in the top relation drop-down box and clicking on SUBMIT. This will either associate those relationships with a member account OR allow a new visitor to take control of that non-member account.
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