Feb. 27, 1958, Hopeton, OK News
This news article was also found in The Woods County News, Alva, OK., dated Feb. 27, 1958.
The Hopeton News written by Violet Zacher
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Nelson of Waynoka were calling in the community Wednesday. Everett Nelson and Glenn Farris attended a sale near Burlington Tuesday.
We are happy to report that Mrs. Frank Irons is home from the hospital, but she doesn't feel too well yet.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Hall of Alva called in the Robert Zacher home Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Rout spent Saturday night with Mrs. Anna Haas.
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore O'Malley of Colorado visited in the Bill Haltom home over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Zacher and Linda visited E. J. Murrow in Dacoma and Mrs. Cora acher of Carmen Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Zacher did some papering for Mrs. Everett Nelson a couple of days last week.
Word has been received of the death of Mrs. John Wilson's father who lived in Iowa, Rev. and Mrs. John Wilson lived here in Hopeton awhile and also were pastors at Alva and Pleasant View churches at different times. The Wilsons are pastors at Hayti, Mo, at the present time.
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan haas and children of Derby, Mr. and Mrs. Vick Haas and son of Kiowa and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Route of Sand Springs spent Sunday with Mrs. Anna Haas to help celebrate her birthday, which was Saturday.
She was very happy to have her children home. Mr. and Mrs. Don Hodges and daughters of Amarillo, Texas, visited in the Estle Halom home over the weekend.
Andrew Haltom and Kenneth Veatch helped Everett Haltom dip his cattle Saturday morning.
Bill Lyle hasn't felt too well this last week. We wish him better health soon.
Several from this commuity attended a birthday dinner for Mts. Frank Howerton at Alva Sunday. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Everett Nelson, and Gary, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Haltom, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. Mack Nelson and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Nelson, Waynoka, Mr. and Mrs. Chauncey White of Byron, Mr. and Mrs. Art Lancaster and boys of Kiowa, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Sanborn and Sharon of Tonkawa, Gary Carpenter of Tonkawa, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sanborn, Wichita, Mrs. Ipsom, Mrs. Allen Doughty, Mr. and Mrs. Jr. Quinn and son, all of Alva.
Mr. and Mrs. Billie Murray and family of Wichita were dinner guests Saturday of Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Hofen.
E. J. Paris spent the weekend at home with Mr. and Mrs. Ern Paris. (Uncle E. J. was this NW Okie's uncle on my mother's side of the family and my mother's youngest sibling.)
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