May, 1949 - Brown Heads List of AHS Honor Awards...
"The Omar Hill award, which is an annual presentation to an Alva High Senior football player, was made to Jerry Brown by Supt. Earl Geis in the honor assembly held May 4 (1949), in the auditorium. Jerry was selected by his teammates on four points: Value to team, generalship, sportsmanship, and scholarship.
A large number of students received recognition at the assembly for the honor they have gained during the year..
Oklahoma Honor Society certificates were presented to students from each class by Prinicpal Orville Korn. They were: Lee Denner, Earlene Heaton, Marvel Mundell, Carol Melton, Shirley McArthur, Max Ritter, Joy Cameron, Berry Burkett, Connie Burdick, Billy Faye Fisher, Dorothy King, Iva Jean Rose, Waynell Mallory, Claride Woodward, Katie Paul, Phil Stephenson, Evelyn Ensor, Nancy Joachim, Nancy McGinley, Myrna Jo Shelby, Jeanette Schaefer, Mayabelle Tolle, Mary Tanner, LaDonna Wilkinson, Garnet Wilson, Dorothy Keitch, Marjory Lee, Valla Murrell, Della Norman, Charles Ritchey, Dwight Reed, and Charlotte Truesdale. These certificates were based on scholarship alone, and 10 per cent of the student body received the honors.
The academic, music, speech, and athletic certificates and metals were awarded to individuals. Assisting Mr. Korn in presentation of awards were: Miss Edna Donley, who presented the debate and speech certificates; Mr. James Brakebill, who presented the instrumental certificates; Mrs. Joe Jordon, who presented vocal music awards; Mr. Dean Simon, who presented football certificates; Mr. Byron Roberts, who presented basketball certificates.
Cups and plaques which have been won by the students were turned over to the school, by representatives from each departments, including, academic, speech, music, and athletics. These were presented by Supt. Earl Geis and were in the trophy case. DLA"
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