Moderated by NW Okie!
Volume 9 , Issue 372007
Weekly eZine: (374 subscribers)
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1893 Pioneer Tidbits
We thought, being 114 years ago this weekend, that we would share the following pioneer prairie pieces of tidbits that we gathered from The Alva Pioneer, dated Friday, January, 1894, Alva, Oklahoma Territory (O.T.).
- "Dr. J. D. Karr of Medicine lodge was in the city Monday."
- "Geo. W. Crowell spent Sunday with his family in Attica."
- "Buy meat of B. J. Scanland, near northeast corner of the square. Fresh meat, game, etc. at Scanland's market, northeast corner of the square."
- "F. C. Langley went up to Kiowa last Saturday to visit his family."
- "Notice of contest blanks printed and for sale at the Pioneer office."
- "G. Willers & Co. are ready to supply the public with fresh bread, pies, etc."
- "Attorney I. F. Shannon is acting county clerk in the absence of Mr. Smith."
- "J. E. Fritzlen went up to Kiowa on sunday morning and returned Monday."
- "John W. Bishop left last Saturday for Iowa, and will be absent a week or ten days."
- "The family of Wm. Whitworth of the Chronicle, arrived from Harper last Friday."
- "A line of sample Shoes at Suyder's Store, north of land office. See bargain counter."
- "Will Walborn of Harper was in the city last Saturday and filed on a claim 20 miles south."
- "While your are buying candy, cigars, and groceries, try a chance at the prize knives, at Beegles."
- "W. C. Douglass and Dr. Wheeler left last night for Pratt, Ks. Mr. Douglass will return Monday."
- "Contractors will find it to their interest to figure with us before buying. G. R. Follett & Co."
- Frank Kragh of harper county was in the city last Friday, on his way to visit relatives 12 miles south."
- "Rev. M. T. Lolig left for his home in Benton, Ks., last Saturday. He will return in about six weeks to remain."
- "Miss Gertie McKeever came down from Hazelton last Saturday and visited her father and friends here until Monday."
- "Dr. F. B. Wheeler of Sawyer, Ks., arrived in the city last Tuesday on business, but will return to Pratt, Ks., where he intends to locate."
- "Karr Bros. have a well selected stock of Drugs, Paints, oils, and everything usually to be found in a first class drug store."
- "S. W. Ramseyer of Harper, Ks., was in Alva last Saturday and filed on a claim 13 miles east and five north of the city. He says there are many Germans in that locality."
- "If you want a first class Fried Oyster or Stew, go to Baxter's meals and Lunch at all hours. come and drink a cup of our Java coffee, first door east of Follett's hardware store."
- W. D. Nelligan, roadmaster of this division of the Santa Fe, is making preparations to build a dwelling house 26x26, four rooms, 2 1/2 miles this side of Waynoka. R. M. Davis will do the work."
- "Thos. J. Crow wife and daughter departed from this city Wednesday morning for Alva, Oklahoma, where they expect to locate. Mr. Crow has not moved his goods yet, but expects to in a short time. -- Coldwater Star"
- "Andrew J Winters and Miss mary Foster were married by Probate Judge Alexander on Monday evening, Jan. 8th, 1893, at the Alva hotel. They live near Cleo. We hope their claims on each other may never be contested."
- "R. M. Davis, the wide awake car center, last week finished a dwelling house 30x30 ; five rooms, for H. W. Noah, four miles east of Alva. Mr. Davis will immediately build a house of the same description for G. P. Chestnut near Waynoka."
- "The young men at the Home Restaurant are becoming desperate, on account of a long absence from their best girls, we suppose; anyhow it has become public that they call each other pet and dear, and exploit remarkable affection for each other."
- "V. W. Whiting, one of teh prominent citizens of Cleo Springs, was in the city Monday on business. He says they have made arrangements for a man and team to make two trips a week to Alva, leaving cleo on Mondays and Fridays and returning on tuesdays and Saturdays. John Kidder is the mans name."
- "E. R. Trask, started for emporia, Ks., last Monday on a visit to his family and friends. he will return in about four weeks to commence improvements on his claim just north of Alva. he has one of the most valuable claims in this vicinity, and with proper improvement will be worth from one to two thousand dollars in a short time. Mr. Trask is one of the pioneer printers of Kansas, a resident of that state for over 38 years. We wish him a safe journey and enjoyable visit."
- Mrs. Wm. Landy who was spending the holidays among friends in this city returned to her home at Alva, O. T. sunday. Judge Soutes and A. T. Bragg returned Saturday, from their trip to Oklahoma. The latter has established a branch grocery in the Territory about 17 miles from Alva. f. H. Bowman and wife left for Alva, O. T., Monday. They will remain there as long as Mr. Bowman has plenty of building to do. -- Attica Tribune."
- "The festival on Wednesday evening was a grand success, socially and financially. Three large tables were bountifully supplied with oysters, cold meats cake, coffee, pickles & everything presented a neat and inviting appearance. Over 150 people were fed, and the receipts were $38.75. Without naming the parties interested in getting up the supper, we will say, and they undoubtedly feel, that their efforts were very highly appreciated."
- "Band meeting was held in Rule Bros. feed store last night, quite a number of Alva's musicians were out with their instruments. Each one present was given a part and after electing a chairman and secretary they adjourned to meet Saturday night."
- "Married -- last Thursday evening, january 4th, 1893, at the residence of the bride's parents in this city, Mr. Harry E. Briant, of Alva, O. T., and Miss Carrie B. Jackson of pratt, Rev. E. C. Beach officiating. The happy couple will make Alva their future home where Mr. Briant is now located and is making arrangements for the bride. The times congratulates these young people upon a step in the right direction. -- Pratt, (Ks.) Times."
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