Greetings, Alva High Goldbugs...
"The Class of '53 now has a website - - Hopefully, we can remember the address. It has reunion information (in case you can't remember where you put the one you got in the mail), pictures of the 50th and a whole page of pictures that might look familiar to you and other info.
Through a page my daughter found while she was tutoring me on computers, I've been in touch with a woman who has a page of pioneer stories, history, memories, etc of Alva and the surrounding area. She listed our missing members in her newsletter that was sent out Saturday night, and by noon Sunday we had Bob Shoemaker's address in Lubbock (TX) and will have Robert Shoemaker's address in a few days. We'll get mailings out to them. She will also put a link on her pages to our website (SEE 2000 AHS Goldbug Reunion Aftermath). In her newsletter, she has the history of the Runnymede Hotel from it's construction to it's present day renovation. There's a link to her site on our Goldbug site. It's under Goldbugs link - Northwest Oklahoma History .... Her name is Linda McGill Wagner.
Incidentally, by 9:45, Sunday morning, I had heard from the son of one of the gas company employees who lived 1/2 block from us. The internet really is amazing! Hopefully, we'll hear from others. We're only missing 6 of those who were at AHS (Alva High) our senior year, and Stanley Westfall who started in first grade and was with us for many years. He's still on the class list, but we haven't located him.
You have probably heard by now that Rita Mae Cox McMurphy passed away a few weeks ago. Rose Darr Elmore has gone through some serious heart problems and complications. Hopefully, she will be started rehab in the next few weeks. Glad to hear that Don Devine is better than he was when we had our 50th.
New email addresses that weren't on the earlier info are for Larry Johnson - and Leta Jo Millege Sparkman - You may notice Janet Woodward Holland email - (my old ones are still good). We can have a lot more email addresses using as the address. Perhaps you know someone who gets their mail on their children's computer or the library. If they just let me know, I can add them to this address. It won't hold a lot of mail, but it might work for some people.
Don't forget to write Joni on what's happening in your life and send a more or less recent picture - anything in the last 10-15 years will do - digital or snail mail a print will be fine. We'll be getting together in mid-July to put the directories together - with pictures if people send them to Joni.
SHOW UPDATE - Lost in the 50's is now a morning show. The Platters will be appearing in the show. There'll be lots of that good old music from the 50's. See you in Branson (Missouri), and please send me any suggestions, problems, additions, ideas, etc for the website. It's ours -- so please feel free to contribute to it - pictures, websites, should we have a blog?, etc. See you Branson." -- Janet
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