Ghost Towns of Noble County...
"In Noble County (originally County "P") alone, there were some fascinating ghosttowns, like the little community called (I think) "Jezebel" which was for females only. Not even a rooster was allowed among the chickens! Of course, it was doomed from the beginning because there wouldn't be any procreation. Even if had been around for a few years (instead of a few months) there couldn't be any growth except for immigrants.
And then there was Mendota later known as Wharton, just a mile south of Perry. The Santa Fe railroad established their depot there, intending for that to be the county seat, but since it became surrounded by Indian settlers, the Caucasians settled in what is now known as Perry Oklahoma) instead. We also had "Richburg" (where the "gold" fields were supposedly located), and Carthage, New Ponca, Burton, Bliss, Lela, Black Bear, Freeland, Polo, Gansel, Three Sands, Drace, and Arnold." -- Roy
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