Southeast Corner of Alva (Okla.) Square...
"Attached is a snippet of a photo of the southeast corner of Alva's square. The photo is undated but is likely in the late 1800s or early 1900's. The 'Drugs' building was the lot east of the old opera house before a new building was constructed across the street north of current day W.W. Starr Lumber. The Drugs building in this photo stood about where the Co-op Hardware store is today. I'm just going on my memory of the maps. If I get a chance I'll research it more at the library next week. The photo is much earlier than 1910 so things could have changed a lot after the photo was taken. The photo I took this from covers all six blocks of Alva's square. The Alva Library has some good early street maps of the city, some as early as 1897. They were put together by a fire insurance company and are on microfiche. You have to use them under the supervision of Larry Thorne. Most of the downtown businesses are labeled on these maps. I've used the maps to research whether or not a house was located at the site of the Methodist Church (it was) and for other research." -- Jim Richey
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