Washington Elementary - 1952
"I am really impressed with your web site. I came across it while looking to see what I could find on Washington Elementary School there in Alva. I started the first grade there in 1952 and have fond memories of the place although feint at best these days.
I popped over to your Indian Recipes and was laughing at the fried grasshoppers. You see that's a tried and true fun snack right here in Thailand. If you walk out in the streets you won't walk long and there will be a vendor out there with fried bugs of various assorted types. Grasshoppers, silk worms, grubs, and other little critters I dare say would make the Orkinman cringe. The one I have real trouble with is the fried scorpions! That I can't understand. I really don't get that Lobster Thermidor feeling about that..
My wife and I live in Bangkok and I work with an agency here that does a lot of work with the Royal Thai Military and for me specifically the Royal Thai Air Force. It's a lot of fun and I love this city. Bangkok is a far cry from Oklahoma..
My family lived in two places in Alva. One was by a car repair place, a small apartment on the side of a big house that an old lady lived in by herself. She also had an upstairs apartment rented by some people my parents liked and I remember the lady liked to give me raisin bread which I wouldn't eat because the raisins looked like bugs. The old lady was a small portly lady as I recall and she always kept a big jar of mints on the floor next to her chair. Strange that memories come back like that..
The second place was at 1108 Mill St - probably not even a house any more and certainly not the one we lived in. It was old then. There was a kid down the street I knew well and his name is Johnny Crawford. We used to play in the wheat fields across the street from his house. I also remember my Dad digging the storm shelter and then bricking the walls or blocks maybe. That was eons ago..
My youngest brother was born there in Alva in 1953. He hasn't ever been able to get back there, though. Just wanted to say hello and give you that BANGKOK PIN (for your map)! Best Regards." -- Jim Traywick - Email: contact@thailand-korat.com - Webpage: www.thailand-korat.com
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