Pretty Boy Floyd's Oklahoma Bank Robbery...
"The Frisco Cemetry is located in the community of old Frisco in Pontotoc county, Oklahoma which is where Stonewall was first established. The bank that Pretty Boy Floyd robbed was the Case State Bank of Stonewall, Oklahoma. My husband was a bank officer in the old building and helped select the style, furnishings, etc.
when they built the new bank, 'First American', and moved into it. My husband worked at the bank in the 1980's, and Pretty Boy Floyd did rob the bank. He stayed with a couple that used to be our neighbors. Also, the Frisco cemetery is kept by having fun raisers like fish frys, etc. Daniel's and McDonald's are the families that usually handle the affair. Glen McDonald has the names of the buried and sees that the cemetery is well kept." -- Judy Hisaw
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