The Okie Legacy: Katie (DeWitt) James 1905 Murder

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Katie (DeWitt) James 1905 Murder

"For those of you into Genealogy... Mrs. Katie (DeWitt) James was the daughter of Henry DeWitt. After reading this old news story of 1905, I was wondering what happened to the Katie James' small child that got dropped off at the German farmer's home?

Did Katie (DeWitt) James' father, Henry DeWitt, raise the child? Did Katie's husband raise the child? Was the child a Boy? Girl?

Checking back further through the news archives, we gathered more information concerning Katie James Murder.

In The Oklahoman, dated between July 29 thru August 31, 1905, there was mention that the child was a girl.

* Mrs. Katie (DeWitt) James was allegedly murdered near Weatherford, Oklahoma, July 8, 1905.
* Mrs. James left behind a baby girl, 13 months old that Mrs. Fannie (Ham) Norton allegedly dropped off at a German farmers home near Weatherford, Oklahoma.
* Katie James husband was a hackdriver in Clinton, OK and a Custer County farmer.
* July 29, 1905 Mrs. Norton was last seen with Katie James and baby.
*Fannie (Ham) Norton killed herself with Strychnine shortly after she was arrested for the alleged murder of Mrs. James.
* August 8, 1905 Gov. Ferguson puts out a $399 reward for conviction of murderer of Mrs. Katie James."

Below are a few more articles I found in The Oklahoman that I have tried to put in chronological order.

* July 29, 1905, pg. 2, headlines read: Killed Herself, Woman Arrested At Shawnee Was Evidently Prepared For Death. Was charged With Murder. Supposed to have killed Mrs. James Near Anadarko on July 8 - Body of Mrs. James Has Not Been Found.

Shawnee, O.T., July 28, 1905 -- "Mrs. Harry Norton, alias Ham, arrested here at noon today by detective Sam Bartell of Oklahoma City for the alleged murder of Mrs. Katie James near Weatherford on July 8 committed suicide while in the office at Police headquarters. She took poison while in a toilet room a moment alone and died at 3 o'clock.

Mrs. James with her small babe and Mrs. Norton drove from Weatherford on July 8 (1905) and Mrs. Norton returned alone coming to Shawnee the next day. The detective found Mrs. James baby at the home of a family near Weatherford unharmed but its clothing covered with blood. Mrs. Norton refused to admit that she committed the crime.

In company with Harry Dewitt, father of Mrs. Katie James, who is supposed to have been murdered near Weatherford, Oklah., on July 8 (1905) and for which crime Mrs. Harry Norton was arrested here, Detective Sam Bartell left this morning for Weatherford where search will be made for the body of Mrs. James, whom the detective and others now are certain is dead. The fact that the detective found Mrs. James' thirteen months old girl, who accompanied Mrs. James and Mrs. Norton on a drive from Wetherford on the fatal morning at the home of a German farmer near Weatherford, the child's clothes being bloody though she herself was uninjured, leads the officers to believe that the body of Mrs. James will be found close by.

Mrs. Norton's body is being held by Coroner Fleming until he hears further from Mr. Bartell.

* August 8, 1905, pg. 3, headlines reads: Reward of $300. Governor Offers This for Conviction of Mrs. James' Murderer. Is An Unusual Mystery. Woman is supposed to have been murdered, but even that fact has not been established - Reward Conditional.

Guthrie, Okla., Aug. 7, 1905 -- "A reward of $300 was offered by Governor Ferguson in behalf of the territory this morning for the arrest and conviction of the person or persons who murdered Mrs. Katie James near Weatherford on July 8, (1905). The case of the disappearance of Mrs. James is one of the most mysterious in the history of crime in Oklahoma. While the evidence tends to show Mrs. James was murdered, the murder has never been established to a certainty.

A Week ago Mrs. Fanny Norton was arrested in Shawnee and charged with her murder. She would make no statement and was placed in a cell until the excitement had worn away. The officers felt sure, if she was not guilty, that they would bring forth from her a confession which would unravel the mystery.

Before the woman had been alone more than a few minutes she was found dead, having committed suicide by swallowing strychnine.

By some her suicide was looked upon as a confession of quilt, but circumstances have, in the opinion of officers, shown differently. It is believed she was implicated in the affair and could have told had she not killed herself.

Every effort has been made to find the missing woman. Her baby, wearing bloody garments has been found in the home of a farmer near Weatherford. It had been left there by a woman corresponding to the description of Mrs. Norton. Mrs. James' father, in company with officers, have been looking for a trace of the missing woman, but thus far all attempts have failed. It is hoped by them that she was only kidnapped. The reward by the Territory will not hold good in a case of kidnapping."

* September 19, 1905, pg. 5, headlines read: Claims Norton Reward.

"Sheriff Garrison and Deputy sheriff Bartell went to Guthrie last night for a conference with Gov. Ferguson relative to the reqard offered by the territory for the arrest and conviction of Fannie Norton, alias Ham, murdress of Mrs. Katy James, and who was captured by Deputy Sheriff Bartell, following the murder.

Mr. Bartell carried with him a petition signed by one hundred and fifty or more citizens of Weatherford and also the members of the coroner's jury, declaring that it was through the efforts of Deputy Bartell that the woman was arrested and expressing the belief That the reward is due him."
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