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Moderated by NW Okie!


Volume 0, Issue 0 - Feature #6200

NW Okie's Corner

If you read "NW Okie's Corner" in this weeks OkieLegacy Ezine, you will understand why I have so many questions to ask my Great Grandpa John R. Warwick concerning the 1917 & 1918 letters from Adolph Geiger and his wife. Back in 1917 Verdia Geiger wrote a letter to her husband, Adolph telling him that she was leaving him cause they couldn't get along and Adolph wasn't have the good times he wanted with her. Great Grandpa Warwick gave Verdia $10 in the barn loft. Was it partial payment to Geiger's wife so she could leave her husband? Was Great grandpa helping Verdia get away from Adolph Geiger? Who really was Adolph & Verdia Geiger? <br /><br /> In Adolph's letter to my great grandpa John Warwick, Adolph writes that Warwick owed Adolph $20 or $30 dollars for some sort of work done. Anyway, Adolph was holding an IOU over Warwick's head. Adolph was threatening the law on Warwick for selling whiskey out at Fairvalley. Was it really Adolph that was selling the whiskey and Warwick owed Adolph for the whiskey? <br /><br /> I can only assume the rest of the story until I find more pieces of this northwest Oklahoma story! Has any genealogist ran across in GEIGER's that settle in northwest Oklahoma and the wife left the husband and moved to Englewood? Not sure where Englewood was/is. Oklahoma? Kansas? Texas? Colorado? New Mexico? <br /><br /> If you can help shed some light on the rest of the story, I would love to hear your family's side of the story! Thanks for your help!

Linda McGill Wagner - 2011-09-20 07:55:41

Dear N.W. Okie, I have read with great intrest the letters you have found about persons in your past living in N.W. Oklahoma.I hope you get a lot of response. Wish I could help, but I also am seeking information about my ancestors who lived there. I am hoping that some of your older readers remember the killing of James F. Childers in front of the store in Faulkner in April 1910. He was my grandfather and I have a little information but would like more. Even just stories or tales handed down in families. James wife was Florence and he had three children Annie, Hazel and Whit (Bud), who were in their teens. They had settled a homestead nearby and so had the the killer and his famiily who were neighbors. I'd be glad to pay for any information and expecially pictures of any of these pioneer grandparents. My father was Bud. He married Sylvia Maudie Stapleton in 1915 who also lived with her family Irwin and Elizabet andher brothers Alvin and lester and sister Lollie Thornberry (Roy) in the community. Thanks to any and all who can contribute. Kathy Zehr or call 580 716-2409

- 2011-09-20 00:09:35

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