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Volume 9, Issue 4 - Feature #2404

Perry, OK Gas Prices & Weather

Gas prices here in the Cleveland, OH area have been bouncing around $1.79 to $2.02 in the past 2 weeks. I'll keep dreaming for those $1.00 a gallon days. It's been in the 20' and 30's up here with the cold until two days ago and it's been dropping every since. We've had a lot of snow fall in my suburb but the northeast area from Cleveland to Erie PA and about 60 miles south (triangle shape) have been in the 2 feet range. "Lake effect" snow can really pile it up. We had a 50 car pile up on one interstate here. They figured that there were a couple of cars going to fast and couldnt' slow down for lane changing cars heading into Cleveland. Therefore, boom, bang, ouch !!!! It's always those few who make it bad for the rest of us. May everyone stay healthy and warm and may Spring come early. Genevieve L

Genevieve Latza - 2007-01-27 19:43:56

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