Mr. Parker testified that last October he had occasion to go over to Miller's office and when he went in he saw the back door to the back room open and he noticed that some one was laying there, down on the floor and he walked in to the middle door and discovered a woman and it was Mabel Oakes. Miller was rubbing her hands and Emmet Nowel was at the side of her, rubbing her arms and Parker asked them what was the matter and why they didn't have a doctor and Emmet said...
Mr. Pruiett for the State object to as incompetent, irrelevant and immaterial and The Court sustained.
Parker went on to say that it was a half hour or maybe three quarters of an hour that they worked with Miss Oakes to resuscitate her.
Parker was not Constable at the time in October, 1910 when he saw Mabel Oakes.
Parker also testified that Emmet Nowel was not in Woods County at the time of this trial.
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