Old Opera House Mystery

(Alva's First Homicide - 9 November 1910)

David Arndt Testimony for Defense

Mr. Arndt testified that he was acquainted with Squire Miller and Miss Oakes during her lifetime and had seen her at Miller's office.

The circumstances under which he saw her was when he went in there one day, about the middle of August, 1910 and she was lying on the floor. 

She seemed unconscious and apparently she had come to and a smile came over her face and then she would make a grab at her breast on the left side. Miller attended her on that occasion when Arndt saw Miss Oakes in August, 1910. Miller was keeping the flies off with a handkerchief.

Under Cross-examination...

Mr. Tincher asked Arndt what if anything that he said to Miller. Mr. Arndt stated, "Well, I don't know as I said much of anything to him (Miller) about her, I remember asking if he didn't think it would be a good idea to get a physician."

Arndt said that Miller replied with "She may get all right in a little while and she may make a die of it, it is not necessary to get a physician."

After Arndt's testimony the Court took a recess of ten minutes. and A. C. Grimes was called to the stand to testify for the Defense.

A. C. Grimes testimony 

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