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Moderated by NW Okie!


Volume 16, Issue 30 - Feature #7387

The Dalton brothers & Dalton Gang

There is a house here in Perry, Ok. known as "Grammaw Dalton's" house and I own the 2-story house next door west. I have been restoring my property for several years and hope to 're-occupy' it within the next year. I'm told that the Dalton house is the oldest residence still standing in this town and I believe that my property is 2nd. oldest. "Granmaw" Dalton died in 1939 and I have a few pieces of glassware that were purchased from her estate. I'm also told that the Dalton boys visited her several times while she lived there and that they 'stored' their guns in a cellar at a neighbor's house across the street while they visited. - 2014-09-09 17:43:09

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