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Volume 13, Issue 10 - Feature #5943

1949 Alva High Graduates & MORE

Lee's parents (Joe and Mary Denner) and mine (Bruce and Louise Walters) were good friends. I was born in Alva, and we moved away when I was in first grade at Longfellow School. Interesting to see Lee's photo.

Barbara Hodges - 2011-03-08 09:12:35

Since my older brother was in that class, I remember these two very well. I also remember the good old days on the square, including Blakemore's and the B&B Bar and Grill (there was a bar in the back half of the building). Chris and Loren Brehmer (father and son) purchased the B&B later. We sometimes had fish fries there when we could get the cooks to deep-fry our catch and serve it with french fries. I also remember when Safeway was in the east block on the north side of the square. Ahhhh . . . , the memories, memories. The downtown was alive then.

- 2011-03-08 06:56:55

Uncle EJ Paris was my mother's youngest brother. And Alvin Paris was my mother's older brother.

Linda McGill Wagner - 2011-03-08 05:08:22

Ah! Those were the day's my dear mother Ruby Barker Riggins saved that issue for her son who went south. I discovered it years later. That's my graduating class and Lee and E. J. were dear friends of mine, since departed. I was a classmate of Lee's from the first grade at Washington Elementary School.

Bill Barker - 2011-03-08 01:13:07

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