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Moderated by NW Okie!


Volume 7, Issue 22 - Feature #348

Journey To 1949...

The B % B Cafe was owned by Loraine Wright And Ruth Turner, sisters. loraine was the head cook and Ruth was the Head waiter, she also was very Red headed. Frankie Harth was also a waiter., My grandmother was a dihwasher there at one time. I worker next door at Blakemore's a grocery store fro Sept. n 54 until April of 1957. I then went to work at Safeway on the North side of the square. SAFEWAY was bought by Homeland. I was an assistant manager for Safeway for 9 years. I worked in Alva, Cherokee, Lubbock, Texas and in 5 locatuions in Amarillo, Texas. My career lasted for 46 years. I retired in June of 1999. What a ride. Thanks for letting me tell a short part of my life. Francis R, Melkus a former OKIE>

- 2011-03-01 01:53:46

It was later was known as the Steakhouse

Edward Lyon - 2005-06-14 21:27:36

OK! That is exactly where I pictured it. I wasn't for sure, though. Besides the "B&B" there were few more cafes that followed the B&B. I can't name them write now, but I know some of you out there might be able. Want to give it a try? Where was Clara's Cafe? There was a Clara's Cafe, wasn't there? I remember the Ideal Grocery store, but never heard about the Blakemore Grocery. That was interesting to know. Thanks!

NW Okie - 2005-06-04 17:59:22

The B&B was located across the alley behind Johnson Insurance next to what was then Blakemore's Grocery (later Ideal). It would have been on the east side of College.

Terry Smith - 2005-06-04 07:52:08

Yes the B & B was located across the street from the Central National Bank on the north side of the alley. We many good meals there. Marty

Marty Myers - 2005-06-04 06:30:56

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