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Volume 9, Issue 39 - Feature #3005

Wiebener's Novel - The Margin

Not much of a story behind Dorthy and I getting the boot from Brandenburg's bio class. Brandenburg, a Colonel in the National Guard at the time, was a no nonsense teacher. He put up with NO distractions at all. Dorthy McGill sat in the chair in back of me in the bio class, and being the provocateur she was inclined to be she stuck a pencil point into my earlobe. Of course, I jumped and in doing so, distracted the class and Mr. Brandenburg. What followed was an effective, efficient and judicious exercise in classroom discipline. "Dorthy, you and Marvin out!" Mr. B said with the voice of a Colonel. Of course we obeyed, and went straight to the library where we were ordered to go. Can you imagine that happening today? The instructor would have to notify someone in school administration of his/her intent to dismiss the errant students. There would be paperwork, and the parent(s) would have to be notified. Then a review of the teacher's act by a member of administration plus a teacher peer and someone from the PTA. The student and parent would be offered an opportunity to protest/question the teacher's authority to take such drastic action that is certain to maim the students psyche forever. Previous words drawn straight from the impending lawsuit against the School district, the school board, the principal, and certainly the teacher. What's happened to the Brandenburg style of classroom discipline????

Marvin Wiebener - 2007-09-30 21:27:12

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