Old Opera House Mystery

8 Dec. 1910, Alva Review Courier, Alva, Okla.

Miller Preliminary - news article

Miller Premliminary Postponed...

(From Friday's Daily.) -- The Miller hearing was postponed until tomorrow on account of Judge Cameron's sickness. We understand that President Grumbine has forbidden Normal students to attend the hearing unless granted a permit. He is to be commended on such action, and if the press of our city would refrain from publishing every dirty little detail much would be kept from the younger generation which is unnecessary for them to know.

The Miller Preliminary

District Court Room Crowded.

The preliminary hearing of N. L. Miller charged with the murder of Mabel Oakes was held in the district court room this (Friday) morning. County Judge Cameron presided, though he was far from well. The defense plead not guilty and waived preliminary hearing. The state then offered the evidence of one witness whose evidence they claimed they wished to perpetuate as he resided in another part of the state. After a legal battle, the Judge allowed the witness to go on the stand. The case will now go over to the regular term of the district court. There will be a battle of giant wits when the lawyers clash as both sides are well represented. County Attorney McCrory is assisted by J. N. Tincher of Medicine Lodge, Kansas, and Moman Pruitt of Oklahoma City. Miler is represented by E. W. Snoddy, L. T. Wilson and J. P. Grove of this city.

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